External Links

Here you will find links to our partner organizations and other resources that may be beneficial to you as a MEP student/ family or a service provider. 

East Coast Migrant Head Start Project

7 Indiana Head Start Locations serving our youngest students 


Affordable health care, education assistance, and job training for agricultural workers and their families

National Center for Farmworker Health

 Information services, training and technical assistance to community and migrant health centers nationwide

Indiana Department of Workforce Development

Serving migrant and seasonal farm workers who are seeking work and skill enhancements 

Instructional Services for Out-of-School and Secondary Youth

Resources and materials to address needs of MEP youth 

Indiana Legal Services

Worker's Rights & Protection Project (WRAPP) addresses the needs of migrant farmworkers, other agricultural workers, and survivors of human trafficking 

Identification & Recruitment Consortium

Resources to improve the proper and timely identification of all migrant children.

¡Colorín Colorado!

Bilingual parent resources to help children learn to read, succeed in school, and learn a new language and info about the U.S. school system

National Farmworker Jobs Program | US DOL

Help migrant & seasonal farmworkers and their families achieve economic self-sufficiency by offering supportive services to acquire new skills for better-paying jobs

MESA | Purdue University

MESA is a statewide program committed to empowering communities and preventing violence across Indiana 

Migrant Farmworker Health Initiative

Providing free mobile healthcare to Indiana migrant and seasonal farmworkers