Welcome to the Indiana Migrant Education Program!
The Indiana Migrant Education Program is designed to help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to do well in school, and to prepare such children to make a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment.
Our Families' Industries
Scroll through the photos below to see some of the industries that our families are working in.
Could you qualify for the MEP?
You may qualify if...
You have moved in the past 3 years
You or someone in your home has worked in agriculture
You or your children are 0 - 21 years old
You or your children have not yet graduated high school
Click here to make a referral to the MEP or call one of our ID&R field specialists (listed below) if you think you may qualify!
MEP Services are Always Free and May Include:
Summer School
Leadership Trips
Parent Advisory Council
STEM Education
Credit Recovery and Graduation Support
English Classes & Vocational Pathways
School Supplies/Resources
Health Support & Referrals to Other Agencies
Interactive Regional Map
Regions by color:
Region 1 (blue)
Director - Julia Cordova - (574) 393-6007 - jcordovagurule@sbcsc.k12.in.us
ID&R Field Specialist - Savino Rivera - (574) 303-8426 - srivera@sbcsc.k12.in.us
ID&R Field Specialist - Sergio Martin del Campo - (574) 250-3105 - smartindelcampo@sbcsc.k12.in.us
Region 2 (red)
Director - Judy Bueckert - (812) 482-6641 - jbueckert@siec.k12.in.us
ID&R Field Specialist - Angelica Tackett (765) 430-7334 - atackett@siec.k12.in.us
ID&R Field Specialist - Alex Rodriguez (812) 202-9998 - arodriguez@siec.k12.in.us
Region 3 (yellow)
Director - Jesse Shawver - (260) 251-0231 - jesseshawver@imep.k12.in.us
ID&R Field Specialist - Elliot Herrera - (812) 350-3695 - eherrera@imep.k12.in.us
Statewide Migrant Resource Center
Director of Technology & Innovation - Andy Wallace (765) 749-0676 - andy@imep.k12.in.us
Director of Data & Communications - Mina Potamousis - mina@imep.k12.in.us